Sunday, November 18, 2012


Prayer. I have always known prayer was powerful, but I am realizing more and more not only its power but its necessity. Not only is it necessary for us, but also for others. Jesus prayed. He prayed a lot. We know what He said in some, but for most of his prayers we do not know. However, we do know that He would go off by Himself to pray and spend the entire night praying, something I have never done in my life or even attempted to do. I don't know why, but I think I have forgotten the power of prayer and have also been a little confused by it. But I know if Jesus, the Son of God prayed, then there must be something to it. Which really, when you think about it, it makes sense. In any relationship, I would hope, that you actually have conversations with the other person. If not, that's kind of weird. And I know for me that the people I am closest with are the people that I tell everything and confess to. People who I go to when I'm mad or angry or happy, and why??? To talk. Prayer is a chance to talk to God. The God of the universe. That's probably one of the coolest things ever if you really sit and can somehow wrap your mind around that concept for a second.

Lately I have been struggling with how to be closer with God. How to know him better. And of course, God answered my prayer and question. The answer, one answer, is prayer. I don't know how or why I did not feel so strongly about prayer before, like I do now. But I know it's essential. I feel it's essential. And not only for me, but prayers for and about other people.

I had a student a few weeks ago. This was our second time meeting and it was one of the best, encouraging and, I believe, Spirit moved conversations. We started the conversation with the usual questions, how are you? What did you do this weekend? etc. Then the conversation somehow moved into her involvement in the Catholic church here. She talked about the different things they do and such and how she is kind of embarrassed that she goes. She said her friends make fun of her. But she still goes. For some reason she decided to tell me though that she has doubts and that she is not sure if she believes there is a God. I looked in her eyes and asked her if she wants to believe, and she almost looked like she was going to cry and said yes. We talked a bit about how she has tried to find God, such as, talking to her priest, who she said seemed to be prideful and only answered with "you must believe God exists." She said she wanted something tangible. Some sort of proof. I told her first of all, that it's ok to doubt and to ask questions. God is big enough to handle that. But also in the end, I think it comes down to faith. Everyone has faith. You have faith there is a God or faith there isn't. But either way, it's faith. It was so crazy because it was in this conversation that God answered my prayer about how to know Him better. I had the opportunity to tell her how I have learned to know Him better. One, by reading the Bible. REALLY reading it. Reading it and realizing for yourself that it is a love story. I mean, good grief, I just finished reading the Old Testament. How many times does God take people back?  Because He wants them. Not because He needs them. He chooses to. She asked if we could start reading, which we have started. Then I told her about prayer, which she said she felt stupid praying. I think sometimes we think there is a formula for it. But I don't believe that. You don't have a formula for when you talk to your friends. Why would you with God? I encouraged her to pray to God and ask questions. We prayed together before she left and I prayed and I am still praying that God makes it clear to her that He is real. That He show her something, that without a doubt she will KNOW it is God. I think I have not been bold in my prayers and have been hesitant in what I ask, which I think is ok sometimes. You should think about what you are asking God to do because He has the power to do it. But that's the exact reason to ask. He has the power. I believe God wants us. He wants me. He wants you. He wants her. I told her that God loves HER and wants a personal relationship with her, which I don't know if she has ever heard before. I take for granted so many times that I have been told my entire life that God wants me. Some people don't know that and that's tragic. So I am praying boldly for my friend. Praying that God will show her. I know she is seeking and I know she will find Him. Now I see that prayer may also be more than me seeking for myself, but me seeking “for” or “on behalf of” my friend. Seeking that she will know, believe and understand. When there are more people seeking, it's easier to find. Maybe that's another reason I believe prayer is so important. So when you read this, please say a prayer for my friend. I know she wants God. And I believe prayer is powerful and it will help her.

Ok, just a bit more about really is a theme going on here right now. I think God is trying to show us something. Just the other day I was riding in the car with two kids from church. Their names are Marco and Loredonna. They are a family from Naples, whose parents were recently awesome! so, there are 7 kids in this family. Marco is around 12 and Loredonna is around 7. So we are riding in the car going to Bible study and Marco starts telling me a story about how he was feeling very sick and had a fever and was nauseous and such. He said he prayed to God that he would get better and it happened! Loredonna said the same thing happened to her! I know these are simple things, but sometimes I'm so quick to write off that sort of thing. But it hit me when I was sitting there with them, of course it worked. They prayed to God and had faith like a child. Coming from kids that age and hearing that kind of faith and seeing their excitement was truly refreshing.
Now, back to my student… I have met with her a few more times. This week we talked about prayer again. She said that her, and another one of my students, who is her friend, really love the way we prayer and the assurance we feel in our faith. That was encouraging. Just to know they see something they want is such a huge step. We also talked about how every year in this student’s church, there is some kind of "theme" more or less....and the theme this year for them is faith. I actually started laughing when she told me because it’s so perfect! The theme this year is faith. The exact thing this student wants and is searching for. She said it was coincidence. I said it was God. It's so cool how He works.

I have started praying with these two students. I'm usually not one to pray out loud, not sure why, but I have with them and I know God is there. Melissa, another Avanti worker here was talking about praying with her students and how she can tell after she prays with them there is something different in them, something good. The more I thought about it the more I realized that maybe some people have never had someone pray with them and FOR them. I take for granted that my dad prayed with me every night before bed. Something so normal to me, yet so foreign to them.

We had coffee one day with a member of the church here. She is from Honduras and is one of the most joyful people. She told us some of her story and about her faith and such. She is one of 8 kids. She talked a lot about her dad and his strong faith. One thing her dad always told her, especially in the period after her husband died, he said, "if you have questions ask God, if you need to cry, cry out to God, cry with God...." Basically anything you do, do it with God. Go to God.

This semester is flying by. It's been different and good in so many ways. God is constantly working. I can see it in so many lives here. I have another student that she has had a bad experience with Church and religion. She says that she just wants to be happy. It's interesting though the changes I see in her every week. Little things, like at the beginning, she said what would make her happy was marriage, then it was a house, then the other day she talked about wanting to volunteer. I know it's just little steps, but to see that maybe her perspective is changing to more of an outward focus. It's encouraging. It is incredible how God works in our conversations, despite the little English she knows and the limited Italian I know. The Holy Spirit is above language and culture and all these other things that sometimes seem to separate people.

Thank you for your support and your prayers. Please continue to pray for the students here and the Churches in Italy, and around the world.
Random pics....
Hanging out at the school
 Scandicci Fair with Loredonna
Grape Harvest in Tuscany- Every year the Harding University students who are studying abroad here in Italy get the chance to help a friend here with his grape harvest. It is a great help to him and a lot of fun.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Power of God

I've been in Italy for over a year now and cannot put into words everything that has happened and what I have experienced.  I don't think I totally understood or grasped what Jesus meant when He talked about His strength and our weakness. For some reason that whole concept did not hit me until I came here. I have been slapped in the face with all my flaws and things that I need to work on and change.  I see how much power God can have in my life, because I am so weak. Apart from Him I cannot do anything. I love the fact that where I am weak, He is strong.

Before I get into an update from this summer and such, the most exciting thing that has happened recently is that one of our students has been  baptized! His name is Paolo and has been coming to the school for English lessons for a few years. Last year he went to Kabul and attended a church there and said he truly experienced God for the first time. One thing Ryan, Paolo's English teacher, pointed out was that the church he attended in Kabul was in English, which Paolo learned by coming to lessons at the Bible School. I know what we all have here, and I know so many other people have experienced the frustration of not seeing immediate "fruit." There are days that we ask ourselves, "Why are we here? Are we really making a difference?" But in Paolo's case, it took years, and God worked through a lot of different people to get him to where he is now.  Paolo is such an encouragement to me. He is so much on fire for God and always serving others. His story helps me keep going and doing things that may sometimes be frustrating or seem meaningless. You never know how God is using it and what your part is in the greater plan.


So an update about everything that has been going on this summer...
We had two Vacation Bible Schools, one here in Florence and also at one of the Churches in Sicily. The theme was "Miracles of Jesus" and which turned out really well. VBS is a newer thing here so it's fun to see how much the kids and especially the parents enjoy it. I never realized how much work goes into a VBS and how impactful it is. So I want to say "thanks" to everyone who helps with VBS in any way. I appreciate so much the time and effort it takes to do it.
My host family in Sicily!

This past month we have been doing a lot of work on the building here. We have been updating a lot of things such as a new septic tank, new concrete around the whole building, retiling, repainting, and pretty much anything else you can think of when you redo a living room/dining room. :) It's a lot of work but it definitely needed. We have three Italian boys from one of the churches in Rome staying here to help with the work.



August is an interesting month here in Italy. It is basically vacation month. Most stores are closed and most people are at the beach or in the mountains. Pretty much all my students have been away traveling.  My family came for a visit so we traveled around a bit, which was so great and definitely needed.

While I was traveling with my family, the Bible School hosted a youth retreat for the churches in Italy. The theme was "I Am Second " and was all about service. Then the Florence church hosted a treat for all the members of the churches in Italy. I have heard nothing but good things about all these events. There is definitely something happening with the people here. God is moving.
The boys from Rome that were here to help with the work on the building this summer are now living with us. After  living here and experiencing the retreats, they decided they wanted to stay here, get jobs, go to school, and help us and the church in Florence. They are so passionate about God and have such a genuine faith. I know they are an encouragement to me and all the members of the church in Florence. They bring energy to the Church, which it definitely needs.  It's also great for our students that come here. They can see that there are people their own age who do care about God and the Bible.

Several of the Avanti Italia workers  are leaving soon to go back to the states. Some have already left. It will definitely be different here without them but they have started such a good work here and all have taught me so much. Every time I step back and look at the people God has put in my life it almost over whelms me to realize how blessed I have been. To know,  work, and live with the people I have this past year has been, for lack of a better word, awesome. They have taught me so much about myself, about other people and about God. I see God in all of them and I am truly thankful for that.

I had a few visitors this summer from the States! It was so good and such an encouragement to see them.

We start lessons with our students soon. I am really looking forward to this year. I don't know what it is, but there is just a good feeling here. Good things are happening and I feel like God is stirring hearts.
At the risk of being repetitive in my update, I want to again thank each of you for your prayers and to all of you who are supporting me.   Lives are being impacted. 

Friday, June 15, 2012


Hello everyone! And it's summer...I cannot believe how fast time has been going. It's pretty crazy. As usual we have had a lot going on here...

At the beginning of May we went to a family retreat in Aprilia, which is a city near Rome.  It was for all the families of the Churches in Italy. There were a lot of people there, which was really good to see. The retreats always seem to be a good thing for the Italians. I think they crave events like this to see and encourage each other. 

Tonia and I. She is a very strong member of the Church in Rome.

Marta and I. I have mentioned her before. She is also a very strong Christian. Marta is one of the most encouraging people I have met here.

Singing "Father Abraham" 

Official classes with our students ended for the summer so we had an end of the year cookout. It was a lot of fun to have all the students in one place. I like events like that too because it gives the Italians a chance to meet and get to know each other.

I am still meeting with a few of my students that are able to do so.   I have been praying that the Spirit will move in some way to touch their hearts. I have one in particular that asks a lot of questions. I love talking and reading with her because she always brings up some good questions. I pray she continues to search.

After talking to her and others, a common theme I am seeing is that religion here is so much tradition.  People are just told "this is the truth" or "this is the best for you," yet no one ever questions it or looks to see if it's actually true. I found myself getting frustrated with it and then realized that I have done the exact same thing.  Sometimes I hear things and then leave it at that.  I never search to see if it’s true. I always tell my students to make me show them in the Bible what I am telling them. I so badly want them to see the truth, and I can tell them about it, but I want them to discover and decide for themselves, not just because I said it. I pray that they have the desire to read the Bible on their own and that they come to know Jesus.

I know that in any kind of ministry work you don't always see the fruits and you don't always see results or what God is doing, but I pray that the students not just find truth but that it changes them. I hope that they give up their lives to God. I hope their lives are different for it. I hope my life is different for it, which I know that isn't always the case.

We are reading a book right now about the Holy Spirit and it has been so eye-opening. There is a part in it that asks the question, "would your life look different tomorrow if you decided that everything you believe today is not true?" That hit me hard. Would my life look different? Does my life look different everyday because I believe in God and I have let Him change me? The book also brought up some discussion about fear of God and how do we actually fear God. (Which if anyone has any comments about any of this I would love to hear...) One comment that was said that really stuck with me was, "Our lives would look drastically different if we lived in true fear of God." If we actually took God at His word. Learning to fear God in a "healthy," for lack of a better word, way. Doing this study of the Spirit has helped me become so much more aware of the Holy Spirit and the power He has.  It's a power that I cannot wrap my mind around; it scares me, but it also comforts me so much of the time. The only way I can do anything is through the power of the Spirit. Whether talking with people and having the right words to say, or something as little as just being able to live in a community situation which can be very frustrating and stressful at times. I can see the Spirit working here in so many ways; with the students, the people I live with, and with me.

I have been encouraged lately because there are some people here who seem to be getting it. They believe in so many things that I believe, they just haven't totally understood or discovered why.  I love to see them when they start to realize new things. The other day a student asked me about Jesus having brothers and sisters.  She has been told all of her life that Mary was the mother to only Jesus and that she had no other children.   I showed her a few verses that talked about it and it was exciting to see her face when she understood it for the first time.  Because of her question we talked about how some arguments are about things that don't matter. This has caused me to realize that so many arguments end up doing nothing more than taking away from the clear message of the Bible and what Jesus did for us.  The message is the love God showed us through His Son.  That is the message that changes lives.     

The longer I'm here and get to know people the more I want them to know the truth. Not that I didn't before but now I so badly want them to know it and know Jesus and the Bible.  It’s easy to get caught up in religion and arguing, but that's not what it’s about. It's not religion or tradition or a way of thinking.  I think it has to be more. It has to be your life.

Last weekend we had a dinner that was a benefit for the Bible School. Elizabeth Whatley, a former Avanti Italia worker and also the director for Pepperdine University campus here in Florence, hosted the event. She had the idea to have a free dinner, where people could come and eat and play games  and make donations if they wanted. All the money from the event went to the Bible School. She is always so generous to us and the work we do.

The men and...

the women.

We have many more things coming up this summer such as Vacation Bible School, work on the Bible School, movie nights, etc. I will try to keep everyone updated as much as possible. Thanks for your support, prayers and encouragement. I know I always say that and it sounds so cliché, but I am genuinely grateful for everything.   It helps more than you realize.

Random Pics....

For my birthday my students took me to me to an American Diner...they had donuts!!

Learning to make pancakes...we have started having, what we like to call, "brinner." Breakfast for dinner. The students love American breakfast food.